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Use Sync Locks & Track Locks

Use Sync Locks & Track Locks

When you insert clips, or ripple trim clips in a sequence, the timing of playback for clips later in the sequence is also changed. There are two ways to ensure clips on other tracks stay in sync, or are not affected by this timing change: Sync Locks and Track Locks.

here are some tips on how to use Sync Locks and Track Locks in Premiere Pro:

  • Sync Lock: Sync Lock is a feature that allows you to keep two or more clips in sync with each other. This is useful for things like music and dialogue tracks, where you want to make sure that the audio and video are always perfectly aligned. To use Sync Lock, simply select the clips that you want to keep in sync and then click on the Sync Lock button in the Timeline Panel. A small lock icon will appear next to each of the selected clips.
  • Track Lock: Track Lock is a feature that allows you to prevent changes from being made to a track. This can be useful for things like music and dialogue tracks, where you don’t want to accidentally delete or edit the audio or video. To use Track Lock, simply select the track that you want to lock and then click on the Track Lock button in the Timeline Panel. A small lock icon will appear next to the selected track.

Here are some additional tips for using Sync Lock and Track Lock in Premiere Pro:

  • You can also use Sync Lock and Track Lock to protect specific parts of a clip. For example, you might want to lock the audio of a clip so that you can’t accidentally delete it, but you still want to be able to edit the video. To do this, simply select the part of the clip that you want to protect and then click on the Sync Lock or Track Lock button.
  • You can unlock a track or clip by clicking on the lock icon again.
  • You can also use the keyboard shortcuts Ctrl+L to lock a track and Ctrl+Shift+L to lock a clip.

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