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How Programs Make Computers Usable

The Role of Programs in Making Computers Usable How Programs Make Computers Usable A computer, regardless of its power and sophistication, is nothing more than an object without a program. Much like how a piano remains just a wooden box without a player, a computer is only a tool waiting to be guided. It is the programs that breathe life…

What does the interpreter do

Compilation vs. Interpretation When you write a program, it exists as a computer file, typically a piece of text placed in text files. Let’s explore how this source code is executed through compilation and interpretation, and the advantages and disadvantages of each method. Pure Text Source Code The source code must be pure text, without any decorations such as different…

Exploring Language Components: Lexis, Alphabet, Syntax, and Semantics

Distinguishing Language Types: Machine vs. Natural 1. Lexis: The Vocabulary of a Language Lexis refers to the vocabulary of a language, encompassing its words and expressions. It includes individual words, phrases, idioms, and collocations. Lexis is the set of words that users draw from to communicate ideas, emotions, and information. Example: The English lexicon includes words like “technology,” “innovation,” and…

Natural languages vs. programming languages

Understanding Language: Machine Language vs. Natural Language What is a language used for? A language is a means (and a tool) for expressing and recording thoughts. Do all languages require speaking or writing? No, some languages, like body language, do not require speaking or writing. What language do you use each day? Your mother tongue, which you use to manifest…

How does a computer program work?

Computer Basics What makes a computer usable? A program makes a computer usable. What is a computer without a program compared to? It is compared to an object, like a piano without a player. What kind of tasks can computers perform? Computers can perform very complex tasks. What is the nature of a computer? A computer can only execute extremely…

Compilation vs. Interpretation

Transforming High-Level Programs into Machine Language In the world of programming, transforming a high-level programming language into machine language is a crucial step. This transformation is necessary to make the code executable by a computer. There are two primary methods for this transformation: compilation and interpretation. Each method has its unique characteristics and use cases. Let’s explore both in detail….

Machine language vs. high-level language

Machine language vs. high-level language Q: What is the instruction list? A: The instruction list is the alphabet of machine language. Q: Why is machine language called the computer’s mother tongue? A: Because it is the simplest and most primary set of symbols used to give commands to a computer. Q: Why can’t humans directly use machine language? A: Machine…

Master the DOMContentLoaded Event in JavaScript

Master the DOMContentLoaded Event in JavaScript The DOMContentLoaded event is a JavaScript event that fires when the document has been loaded and parsed, but befor any images or stylesheets have finished loading. This means that you can use the DOMContentLoaded event to perform actions that depend on the DOM being loaded, such as adding event Listeners to elements or dynamically…

Master the classList Property in JavaScript

Master the classList Property in JavaScript What is classList in JavaScript? The clasList property in JavaScript is a read-only property of the element interface that returns live DOMTokenList object representing the class attributes of the element The clasList property is a convenient alternative to accessing an element’s list of classes as a space delimited string via the className property. The…

JavaScript CurrentTarget Property

JavaScript CurrentTarget Property The currentTarget property in javascript is read-only property of the Event interface that identifies the current target for the Event, as the event traverses the DOM. It always reffers to the element to which the event handler has been attached, as opposed to the target property, which identifies the element on which the event occurred and which…