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Master the classList Property in JavaScript

Master the classList Property in JavaScript What is classList in JavaScript? The clasList property in JavaScript is a read-only property of the element interface that returns live DOMTokenList object representing the class attributes of the element The clasList property is a convenient alternative to accessing an element’s list of classes as a space delimited string via the className property. The…

JavaScript CurrentTarget Property

JavaScript CurrentTarget Property The currentTarget property in javascript is read-only property of the Event interface that identifies the current target for the Event, as the event traverses the DOM. It always reffers to the element to which the event handler has been attached, as opposed to the target property, which identifies the element on which the event occurred and which…

JavaScript addEventListener( )

javaScript addEventListener( ) The addEventListener( ) method in javaScript is used to attach an event handler to an element. An event handler is a function that is called when a certain event occures, such as mouseclick, or keypress. The addEventListener( ) method takes three arguments: The first argument is the name of the event. This is the name of the…

Source Panel Intro

Source Panel Intro The Source Panel in Adobe Premiere Pro is a powerful tool that allows you to view and edit your clips at full resolution. It is essential for anyone who wants to create professional-looking videos. The Source Panel has a number of features that make it a valuable asset for editors. Add Marker(M) In Premiere Pro, markers are…

Hikvision IP Camera Intro

Training Objectives Get Familier With Hikvision IPC Products Know The Key Feature & Basic Functions Of IPC Know How To Deal With Common Issues Contents IP Camera Basics Goal Of Learning As Follows Structure Of IP Camera Product Families Naming Rules Function & Application Goal Of Learning As Follows Image Adjustment Day & Night Switch Back Light Compensation Fast Moving…

Use Sync Locks & Track Locks

When you insert clips, or ripple trim clips in a sequence, the timing of playback for clips later in the sequence is also changed. There are two ways to ensure clips on other tracks stay in sync, or are not affected by this timing change: Sync Locks and Track Locks. here are some tips on how to use Sync Locks…